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Employment Portal

The Employment Portal is a platform where you can access job and internship offers, as well as tips and workshops to help you enter the labour market.

see also

Forms / Resources

 Students | Tuition Fee Reduction Request

Form to apply for a reduction in tuition fees. Hand it in to the Social and School Support Service on the ground floor of Building A. If you have any questions, send an email to

Document Validator

Academic documents issued can now be validated online via the document validation service.

Logos and Graphic Identity


The ISMAT Library belongs to the Lusófona Group Library Network and is located at Rua Dr Estêvão de Vasconcelos in Portimão.

Its documentary collection includes various areas of knowledge, most of which are geared towards the courses and research being carried out at the institution

The ISMAT Library shares physical resources with the National Library Network through the Interlibrary Loan Service. It also provides electronic resources through online access to digital documents and numerous online databases, magazines, scientific journals, eBooks and Master's dissertations. It is also linked to ReCiL - Lusófona Scientific Repository. As a support service for study and research, the Library has a document collection that is constantly growing and being updated in order to satisfy all the information needs of its users.

The Library's main services, aimed at the academic community and the community in general, include local consultation of documents, home loans, interlibrary loans, support for searching documents and databases in the reading room, user reference services, guided tours of the Library and user training, exhibitions of new books and activities to boost and promote reading, such as the Book Fair, biobibliographical exhibitions, themed book shows and book launches, among others.


Opening hours

Monday to Friday

  • Teaching periods: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Non-school periods: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Closed on Saturdays and Sundays

User admission policy

The Library is open to Teachers, Students and Staff of ISMAT and Grupo Ensino Lusófona, as well as the general community (the latter only subject to a prior request).

For admission to the Library, identification may be requested from the reader - both internal and external (student/teacher card from ISMAT or the rest of the Lusófona Education Group or ID/Citizen's Card).

Librarian in Charge

Dr. Liliana Caldeira

Library Director

Prof. Dr. Pedro Cantinho Pereira