Academic Information
Social Action and Scholarships
What is SASE?
SASE is the service responsible for awarding educational benefits and training incentives to students, through the application of the social action regulations and merit scholarship regulations, and the management of protocols established with various organisations.
SASE is also the service responsible for processing and analysing applications for scholarships from the Directorate-General for Higher Education.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm.
- Telephone: 282 450 430
- Email:
Note: If you are an employee or family member of an employee of the Lusófona Group or a former student - check out the school social action benefits we have for you. See also the scholarships you may be eligible for.
Educational benefits for students, employees, former students and their families.
As part of its Strategic Plan, the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute has decided to implement a programme of incentives for higher education from the 2022-2023 academic year onwards, by awarding a number of scholarships to motivate students to attend higher education and achieve academic success.
Excellence Scholarships
At Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes we reward our best students, those who have come from secondary school and enrolled in a degre programme, but also the best undergraduate students who have enrolled in a master's programme. If you have an average above 16, your 1st year tuition fee at ISMAT can be zero. Check the regulations and apply for our scholarship of excellence.
Merit Scholarships
This scholarship is designed to reward the best students at Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes enrolled in a bachelor's or integrated master's programme. The scholarship will be awarded to the students with the highest average. See the regulations.
Scholarships for students from CPLP countries
The educational benefits offered to students of CPLP nationality are part of the University administration's project to support the countries of the Lusophone Community in the training of senior staff in order to contribute to their development.
- 1st phase: from 12 July to 13 August
- 2nd phase: 16 August to 29 October
Discount protocols
ISMAT has continued its policy of granting discounts to students enrolled at its educational establishment who are members of trade union, professional or cultural associations with which it has signed collaboration protocols.
Students have 7 working days from the date of enrolment to request educational benefits under the protocols.
Tuition fee reduction application form:
Scholarships from the Directorate-General for Higher Education - DGES
You can apply for scholarships for the academic year:
- Between the 25th of June and the 30th of September;
- Within 20 working days of enrolment, if this occurs after 30 September;
- Within 20 working days of the promoter issuing proof of the start of the traineeship in the case of bachelors or masters who are undertaking a professional traineeship.
The application can also be submitted between 25 June and 30 September, in which case the amount of the scholarship to be awarded is proportional to the amount calculated for one year, taking into account the period between the month following the submission of the application and the end of the academic term or internship.
ISMAT offers its students the chance to apply for scholarships from the Directorate-General for Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Science).
These scholarships are aimed at economically deprived students, whereby the economic situation of the student's household is analysed, within the scope of Order no. 5404/2017, which regulates the process of awarding scholarships to higher education students.
For all the information on these scholarships, see the DGES website.
This scholarship, awarded by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, is intended to reward students enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree programme at the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute who have shown exceptional academic achievement.
European Union grants
The European Funding Guide works through an algorithm that shows only the scholarships, funding and awards that really match each student's individual profile. The 12,000 support programmes available cover a wide range of areas for which university students can apply for (financial) support. This support covers daily expenses, tuition fees and internships to extra costs for semesters abroad, language courses and costs associated with scientific projects.s.