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Student Ombudsman

Professora Drª Ana Cristina Santos Bordalo

The Student Ombudsman is established under Article 10 of ISMAT's Statutes.

  • The Student Ombudsman is an ISMAT professor with the ability to intervene, proposing concrete solutions, in any problems of a teaching or administrative nature that are not immediately resolved by the appropriate bodies.
  • The position of Student Ombudsman is currently held by:

Competences of the Student Ombudsman:

  • Collecting complaints about problems of a teaching or administrative nature that are not immediately resolved by the appropriate bodies, whether they come directly from those concerned or from the governing bodies of ISMAT structures;
  • Directly summon the parties involved to the hearings it deems necessary and carry out the necessary steps to ascertain the facts that led to each situation, taking all appropriate steps to find a solution;
  • Draw up a summary report for each situation, containing a proposal for a decision, to be submitted, as appropriate, to the chairs of the management bodies of the organisational units, the Director or the Administrator;
  • Ensure that a database is kept of the cases submitted to it and, while they are in progress, an archive of them.

Clarification Form / Information Request / Complaint Student Ombudsman Rules